May 12, 2016

European cities to discuss controversies of the Sharing Economy

European Cities Marketing sets out to explore the impact of the sharing economy on city tourism during its annual meeting. The so-called sharing economy or connected […]
March 18, 2016

Visitors need authentiCITY!

City branding is the process of image communication to a target market. During last European Cities Marketing meeting in Madrid, European cities investigated the state of […]
March 4, 2016

Edinburgh becomes Scotland’s first city to join prestigious European Cities Marketing Association

Marketing Edinburgh, the official promotions agency for the city of Edinburgh, has taken its place among the most progressive destinations in Europe, having been invited to […]
February 10, 2016

Shopping Tourism, key for destination marketing

“One of the most used tools in the promotion of destinations” this is how Shopping Tourism was described at the opening of the 2ndConference on this […]
January 18, 2016

City branding is not just for tourists

European Cities Marketing investigates the state of city branding in 2016 and the important role CTOs, CVBs and CMOs have to play in branding and marketing […]
July 2, 2015

ECM provides greater insight into destination development and marketing through a partnership with Toposophy

ECM, the European network of city tourist offices and convention bureaux, has just signed a partnership contract with Toposophy, aiming to become the leading destination management […]
July 1, 2015

Creating the city – European Cities demonstrate the crucial importance of events and infrastructure projects in shaping the image of a city

Cities are increasingly using events to improve their image, stimulate urban development, attract visitors and investment. During last European Cities Marketing (ECM) Annual Meeting in Turin […]
June 26, 2015

European Cities Marketing to embrace national and regional organisations

While keeping its focus on city tourism, European Cities Marketing, the leading association of cities in Europe, opens the door to regional or national tourist offices, […]