A Preview of the European Cities’ Visitors Report 2008/09

Did you know…
That the international bednight volumes in European cities grew by 37% between 2002 and 2007.
That Spain was the fastest growing source market for city tourism in Europe.
That 62% of bednights registered in Berlin are registered by German visitors.
These are typical examples of the valuable information that the Report has to offer. They also illustrate the Report’s multilevel approach: it contains global findings as well as detailed data per city, developments within a short-term period as well as long-term trends, and so on.
The Report shows the bednight developments of 100 top European cities and provides endless possibilities for benchmarking the results of each, either with the European average or with specific destinations. The data makes it easy to see who is gaining or losing market shares and to identify one’s closest competitors. The Report also includes an analysis of strategic groups, expert articles and a focus on 11 key source markets.
The Report includes a CD-rom containing ready-to-use Powerpoint slides and several databases in Excel format so that you can make your own charts and analyses.
The European Cities’ Visitors Report can be ordered via dev.europeancitiesmarketing.com.
To view the European Cities’ Visitors Report order form click here