What is the tourism barometer?

What is the tourism barometer? The tourism barometer is an online system developed by the Amsterdam Tourism & Convention Board (ATCB) to collect, process and present automatically figures about the tourism situation in a destination. The barometer also makes it possible to do some benchmarking at the level of a destination and between various destinations using the same tool.


The barometer is based on indicators such as the number of: hotel bednights, incoming foreign passengers in the airport, visits to museums, visits to attractions, visits to tourist information centres and city cards activated.


The indicators are updated on a monthly basis and provide a good overview of tourism trends in a short time.



How does it work?


Each month, partner museums, attractions, etc. receive an automatically-generated email with a link enabling them to enter the number of visits they recorded. Once all figures for an indicator are in, ATCB publishes the results.


Depending on their profile, barometer users have differing levels of access to data and are able to use the data in differing ways.


–          Everybody can visit the homepage of the barometer and see: 1) a short text presenting the current situation; 2) a chart showing the developments of some key indicators; 3) a table showing the monthly and aggregated percentage changes for some key indicators; 4) a composite indicator presenting the global situation


–          All partners of ATCB receive a login and password enabling them to access the restricted part of the barometer. In this part, they can see more indicators and more details about each of them. They can also easily extract the existing data for their own analysis. Finally, they have access to a wide variety of documents (reports, factsheets, etc.) put online by ATCB.


–          Partners entering their data in the system have even greater access since they are able to see more detailed information about their competitors and benchmark their own results.






Benchmarking of the data entered in the tourism barometer is possible at the level of the destination itself (ie. a museum can see how it is doing compared with any other museum and with attractions) but also between all destinations using the same system.


For whom is the barometer made?


The barometer is intended for everyone needing to know what the latest tourism trends are in order to make well-informed decisions and develop relevant strategies. It will also be of great benefit to decision-makers within the tourism sector working for private or public organisations who are keen to stay informed about the current tourism situation in a destination.


At the moment, the city tourism organisations of the following destinations have developed or are developing a tourism barometer: Amsterdam, Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, Copenhagen, Geneva, Gothenburg, The Hague and Lyon.


Keen to know more about this project?


In order to have a better idea of what the barometer is, you can visit the Amsterdam barometer by clicking here.


Should you wish to join this project, please contact Olivier Ponti at o.ponti@atcb.nl.


Olivier Ponti
Manager Research and Developement, Amsterdam Tourist Board
