TIME TO EXPLORE YOUR DMOJO: European cities to explore recovery and reshaping the visitor economy

At the European Cities Marketing (ECM) Online International Conference & General Assembly, March 17-19, 2021, attendees will take a deep dive into reshaping the future of tourism and destinations in Europe in a time of recovery with industry frontrunners, lead destinations and ECM partners. Participants will explore what the future role of DMOs could, should and must look like in order to strengthen their role in the next normal.
Everything is in motion, while also at a standstill. Cities are reimagined. Work lives reprogrammed. Values reconsidered. Businesses remodelled. Communities rediscovered!
Europe’s city destinations have not yet recovered, and tourism far from returned, yet the destination community is now ready to reshape the future of tourism and urban experiencing in Europe. Planning ahead for recovery, for new visitors, for a different approach and better balance, destination leaders must redefine their future role and relevance.
Join the ECM community to explore what the future could, should and must look like with an engaging, high-energy 3-day programme of Reboundtables, Trailblazer inspiration, Forecasterclasses, Masterclasses and BYO (Bring Your Own) Labs.
“During ECM International Conference, we bring a top-loaded and carefully curated programme to map and unfold the strategic challenges and opportunities which urban managers and marketeers are facing in extraordinary pandemic times. With this, we invite participants to explore their DMOJO. After all, the definition of mojo is “the quality that attracts people to you and makes you successful and full of energy”. In the common perception, it is the good luck, charm, supernatural skill or magical power work. Now, more than ever, it is this type of confidence cities need from their marketeers. The conference will hold innovative formats and despite the event being held online, we worked hard to allow it to be as engaging and interactive as possible. Of course, we can’t wait to see each other in person but for the safety of all, we, at ECM, will keep providing interesting online events.” says Petra Stušek, ECM President.
The ECM International Conference & General Assembly, March 17-19, 2021 will be live and virtual! In this new format, the conference will be more accessible than ever for both ECM members who can join with multiple delegates on a single fee pass, and non-members who can register from anywhere on the globe.
Registrations for #ECMOnlineConference2021 are open on ECM Website: www.europeancitiesmarketing.com until March 15, 2021.
*European Cities Marketing is a non-profit organisation improving the competitiveness and performance of leading cities of Europe by providing a platform for convention, leisure and city marketing professionals to exchange knowledge, best practice and widen their network to build new business. European Cities Marketing is promoting and linking the interests of members from 110+ major cities in 36 countries.
For more information and pictures, please contact:
Bénédicte Lack, press@europeancitiesmarketing.com, +33 380 56 02 03