The ECM Meetings Statistics Report 2012 is available for download

After a presentation of the preliminary results during the Summer Meeting, the second edition of the ECM Meetings Statistics Report is available for download to all members from the ECM Intranet. Please note that this report is for the sole use of ECM members and is not intended for communication purposes.
Key trends confirmed
The objective of the report is to provide ECM members with an insight into the sector of MICE activity in Europe. In this second edition of the meetings statistics study, cities were asked about both national and international events, and both corporate and non-corporate events. With samples varying from 24 to 38 cities for these four segments, some very interesting trends highlighted last year were confirmed, especially about the main differences between the characteristics of corporate and non-corporate activity.
Increased awareness of the importance of data collection
Another important goal of this study was to find out more about the compilation of meetings statistics in every city of ECM. The first survey last year allowed us to discover or to confirm several differences regarding meeting statistics between those participating cities, especially concerning data collection through venues of each city. In fact, cities are now much more aware of the importance of data collection, and 8 new cities took part in the project this year. Participation allowed them to learn more about overall activity trends, and also to compare themselves with other cities or regions in Europe.
What’s next?
The Meeting Statistics Report is a long-term project and should thus be reconducted in 2013 and beyond. In the next few years, we hope that more and more cities will be able and willing to participate in the project, with data more and more complete, in order to be able to make the analysis more detailed. We will also be able to compare even and odd years separately, which will be very interesting, due to the cyclical nature of MICE activity.
For the Meeting Statistics Report 2012, a subsidiary working group was established from the Research & Statistics Knowledge Group and consisted of the following members: Olivier Drouet (Economic Analyst, ECM Head Office / Chairperson), Olivier Ponti (Manager Research & Development, Amsterdam Tourism & Convention Board / Chairman ECM Research & Statistics Knowledge Group), André Moura (Head of Research and Statistics, Turismo de Lisboa) and Camilla Ekberg (Project Manager Development/Research, Malmö Tourism).
Olivier Drouet
Economic analyst (author of the report)
Olivier Ponti
Manager Research & Development
Amsterdam Tourism & Convention Board
Chairman ECM Research & Statistics Knowledge Group