The e-library is ready!

Dear colleagues,
One of the key objectives of the ECM Research & Statistics Working Group for 2009 was the development of an online library for our members. I am glad to report that this objective was reached: the e-library is live! Those of you who attended the Research & Statistics Knowledge Group session in Amsterdam last month know all about this new tool thanks to the demonstration that was given. For those who could not participate in the Amsterdam meeting, the following frequently asked questions should help you to familiarise yourself with the e-library.
What is the e-library?
The e-library is an online platform on which ECM members can upload and download all sorts of documents relating to city tourism in general and research in particular. For example, this means that reports and strategic plans made by member organisations willing to share these documents or simply presentations given during the ECM meetings will be available on the e-library. It is also possible to include links pointing at interesting reports made by other organisations and available on the Internet. In typical ECM fashion, this is all about sharing knowledge and expertise with your European colleagues.
Where can I find the e-library?
The e-library can be found on the ECM Intranet. Access is via the homepage’s main menu.
How can I find a document?
To find a document, just select a number of key words or use the ‘free text search’.
How can I upload a document?
To upload a document, click on “library” in the left-hand menu, then click on “upload” and “upload a document”. You will be able to describe the content of the document with keywords and to add any information you would like users to know about. This done, the document will be visible once it has been approved by ECM Head Office.
How can I learn more about the e-library?
You will find a lot more information on the e-libary on the homepage of the ECM Intranet. Just click on ‘video tutorials’.
What should I do with the e-library now?
Use it! The more documents that are uploaded, the richer the library and the more interesting it becomes. Now that the tool is ready, the success of the e-library depends on you!
Olivier Ponti
Vice-chairman Research & Statistics Working Group
Amsterdam Tourism & Convention Board