The CEO’s of major European Cities put their heads together

Europe is looking to China, Russia, Japan and India for growth over the next 10 years according to research conducted by the WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council). The CEO’s of 14 City Tourist Offices of European capital cities met on 15th December in Paris to discuss ways of adapting services to target these markets.
“It is a truly challenging situation for all of us today and I really appreciate your coming and joining our CEO meeting. ECM is all about sharing – sharing information, intelligence and experience. There are no secrets within ECM, we all form our network, we display our knowledge and learn from the experience of the others,” said Frank Magee (ECM President and CEO of Dublin Tourism), opening the afternoon session.
ECM, with the financial support of IMEX and the personal presence of Ray Bloom (Chairman of IMEX), organized the 2nd CEO Dinner, this time enhanced by an afternoon workshop and discussion. Two major topics were discussed during this meeting: the economic situation and the Chinese market in Europe. Jean-Claude Baumgarten, President of the World Travel and Tourism Council, gave participants important data concerning the impact of the economic environment on travel and tourism. In his presentation, he outlined several forecasts of future economic development and also pointed out that, despite some expectations, the market is still growing – within its niches.
Mr. Mang Chen, Managing Director of CAISSA Touristic Group AG, put the Chinese market in Europe into context by introducing the political and historical background of China and Europe. He offered an insider’s view on the Chinese incoming market by providing information about difficulties when organizing touristic circuits and stays for Chinese tourists in Europe.
The afternoon working session was rounded off with a gala dinner, where guests enjoyed traditional French music and a specially designed menu.
In 2009, the CEOs will meet in Copenhagen on 23rd November.