Meetings Industry

This group is responsible for the planning and delivery of important convention marketing projects, including the ECM Summer School and the Meet Europe workshop.
The group exchanges and identifies key issues in the Meeting Industry to be tackled and put on the programme of ECM seminars or in best practice sessions. They offer a platform where members can exchange best practice and have open discussions on all the topics of interest to those working in European convention bureaux.
IMEX Politicians Forum
ECM co-organises this Forum with IMEX under the auspices of the Joint Meetings Industry Council (JMIC) and the International Association of Congress Centres (AIPC). Its aim is to demonstrate the economic and social significance of tourism to politicians drawn from national, regional and local governments; emphasizing the vital role they can play in ensuring that public policies remain supportive of the conventions sector.
Joint Meetings Industry Council
European Cities Marketing is also a member of JMIC. The Joint Meetings Industry Council. JMIC was established in 1978 as a vehicle for the exchange of information and experience amongst international associations, engaged in various aspects of the meetings industry.