Latest Developments and New Features of TourMIS

European Cities Marketing Website Benchmarking Modern day tourism organisations use standardised tools such as Google Analytics to collect and report website statistics. Yet are the standardised KPIs provided by these tools really able to add value? Where do they come from, how are they collected and why are they important?

In 2010, there were 200,000 inquires, equating to15,000 inquires per month – approximately one inquiry every 3 minutes. Thus, the development of new features for TourMIS users is a challenging and important task which we, the MODUL University Vienna team, take seriously. The development team is working constantly on ways to improve the online platform.


The new features that have been developed recently include:



  • New Data Input Timetable with the option of selecting your own preferred definition: users are able to choose their preferred data definition in the data input timetable, such as NG (bednights in hotels and similar establishments) instead of NA (bednights in all paid forms of accommodation establishments).
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  • New data entry forms where capacities can be entered for multiple years. In addition, an automatic control mechanism to avoid typos when entering data has been added to all entry forms.
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  • New (flexible) data upload feature (Excel): users are able to define their own excel interface and afterwards upload their own excel sheets as they are, without any modification by TourMIS.
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  • New data retrieval monthly section: users can change the months of the period they would like to see in order to see the latest developments of recent months. The analysis is available for markets (Table ‘Seasons (arrivals or nights) in a European city for various markets’) as well as for destinations (Table ‘Benchmark seasons by arrivals or nights and markets’).
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  • New data retrieval annual section: a new table ‘Development of a market in all cities in Europe’ allows users to compare the performance of cities across several years.
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For more information please go to the TourMIS website
