Research & Insights

The Reason Why | Purpose

The Research & Insights Knowledge Group co-ordinates all research activities within the City Destinations Alliance network, collaborating with a wide range of CityDNA partners to initiate and exchange knowledge on market research to the benefit of city tourism destinations in Europe and to bring fresh insights and opportunities to the wider membership.

Members of the group use their expertise to discuss current trends, share best practices, commission new research, and prepare and release reports that further the sustainable development of city tourism destinations in Europe and benefit the membership and reputation of the City Destinations Alliance network.

Goals & Guiding Principles

  • Consolidate and improve current research activities for the benefit of visitors and citizens in European member cities alike.
  • Inspire City Destinations Alliance members to make their decision-making processes more data-driven.
  • Identify Knowledge / Industry Partners & solutions that add new value and insights, aligned with the mission of the Research & Insights Knowledge Group.
  • Maintain regular contact and work with other Knowledge Groups in collaborative projects.
  • Be agile and flexible with how we work, to maximise our expertise and the time we have together.

What we do | Action Plan

  • Support City Destinations Alliance Head Office in evaluating potential CityDNA Knowledge Partners, setting up cooperation terms and sustain current partnerships through various reports, studies and webinar participations.
  • Work with City Destinations Alliance Head Office on how to promote and emphasize the quality content of CityDNA reports (in-house and partners) through efficient communication.
  • Identify and seek solutions for research-related questions that are important to many city tourism member destinations.
  • Organise (content and moderation) the TourMIS International Seminar every other year.
  • Continue and initiate new cross-projects and collaborations with other Knowledge Groups.
  • Contribute to a common understanding and harmonization of city visitor statistics by sharing knowledge on definitions and data collection methods.
  • Build on the high levels of engagement and connection between the members, driving forward with pace, rigour and enriched partnerships.
Research Insights Logo CityDNA
Daniëlla Brust-Blumink 05-2022

Daniëlla Brust-Blumink, Amsterdam


Alba Lajusticia 02-2023

Alba Lajusticia, Barcelona


Research & Insights Group Members

  • Sine Kjær Stage, Aarhus
  • Sophia Quint, Berlin
  • Giovanni Arata, Bologna
  • Wouter Devroe, Bruges
  • Corentin Descamps, Brussels
  • Lone Alletorp Callard, Copenhagen
  • Ina Duckstein, Dresden
  • Claudia Pinna, Genoa
  • Bernadett Pakucs, Gothenburg
  • Aleksandra Lorkowski, Hamburg
  • André Moura, Lisbon
  • Polona Černič, Ljubljana
  • Claire Jones, London
  • Ralf Zednik, Munich
  • Thomas Deschamps, Paris
  • Maria Kenney, Stockholm
  • Cristina Cerutti, Turin
  • Clemens Költringer, Vienna
  • Petra Tschöll, Vienna
  • Jason Stienmetz, Modul University Vienna
  • Karl Wöber, Modul University Vienna
  • Bozana Zekan, Modul University Vienna