European City Tourism Monitor XII
The results of the 12th European City Tourism Monitor show that city tourism professionals participating in the survey expect bed night volume in the 1st quarter of 2012 to grow, compared to the same period in 2011. Despite this, optimism is more muted than in other 2011 surveys.
A little less than half of those interviewed expect bednight volumes in their city destinations to grow in the 1st quarter of 2012, compared to the same period of 2011. In most cases, growth is expected to be of between 1 and 5%. 34% expect bednight volumes to be similar to last year’s, and 10% expect a slight decrease in total bednights.
The difference between positive and negative expectations has narrowed considerably from previous surveys.
Respondents expressed more optimism for international bednights – with 54% of those interviewed predicting growth – than for domestic markets, where the same indicator reaches only 36%. Optimism is expressed more cautiously than in the last monitor. Hotel prices in the 1st quarter are primarily expected to remain constant (50% of responses). Higher rates are expected by 33% of those polled and only 9% predict a decrease.
The results of this survey for the 1st quarter show clearly that those polled feel significantly more confident for 2012 as a whole. A striking 73% of respondents expect growth in total bednight volumes for the year 2012. The majority of these predict increase of a moderate nature, of between 1 and 5%.
Despite this, it is also noticeable that 12% of the sample expect a decrease in total bednights in 2012.