
Dear European colleagues and friends,
Welcome to the Research and Statistics Newsletter.
The future for City Tourism in Europe is looking bright, at least according the latest European City Tourism Monitor. Of those interviewed, 66% expect bed nights in their city destinations to grow in the 2nd quarter of 2012, compared to the same period of 2011. Expectations for the whole of 2012 in terms of total bed nights are even more positive, with as many as 69% expecting a growth in total bed nights in 2012. There is, nevertheless, a growing concern that the uncertain economic situation in Europe and the rest of the world could have a significant impact on tourism performance in the 2nd quarter of 2012 and beyond. A more extensive summary of the 13th European City Tourism Monitor is given in the article below. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you all to participate in the next Monitor which will take place at the beginning of June 2012.
In addition to the summary of the 13th European City Tourism Monitor, this newsletter also includes other interesting topics:
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- An introduction to the R&S Knowledge Group’s newest member: Claudia Pinna from Genova, Italy.
- Coming soon: The second edition of the ECM Meetings Statistics Report, which gives you an overview of the meeting industry in Europe. The first edition proved not only a great success but also an important tool when working with meetings. Make sure your city is included in the next edition.
- The shopping barometer: A project initiated by the Research & Statistics Knowledge Group, designed to benchmark price levels in city tourism destinations in Europe. Your city could be part of it.
- Introduction to a new ‘Triple Bottom Line’ event evaluation model – a case study of the Way Out West event. This model looks not only at the economic impact of an event but also at its wider implications, including environmental, cultural and social impacts.
- Save the date: the 8th TourMIS Users’ Workshop & International Seminar on key performance indicators for destination marketing, will be held on 13th-14th September 2012 at MODUL University Vienna.
I hope you will find the articles interesting.
Lone Alletorp Callard
Senior Advisor
Wonderful Copenhagen
Vice-chairperson Research and Statistics Knowledge Group