ECM Meetings Statistics Report 2012: ready, steady, go!

In order to maximise the comparability of data, we will stick to exactly the same methodology and definitions backed by the UNWTO. In the first quarter of 2012, you will receive an excel sheet which we kindly ask you to fill in with the list of meetings your city hosted in 2011 and some details concerning these events (such as the type of meeting, the dates, the number of participants and the kind of meeting venue).
Last year, a total of 39 cities – to which we express our deepest gratitude – were able to provide ECM with the requested data. We hope to see this number increase in 2012 as some cities have recently improved their data collection techniques. With more cities and more exhaustive data, the benchmark possibilities will be increased and the overall picture more complete.
On the ECM Intranet, in the “discussion forum” section, you will find tips and best practices from various cities. Those of you who attended the open discussion entitled “How to get (good) meeting statistics in your city” last November in Bilbao hopefully brought some interesting ideas back home. During the next ECM meeting in St Petersburg, there is another such session scheduled, for 28th March between 1 and 2 pm, and you are cordially invited to participate.
On behalf of the highly motivated team of the Research & Statistics Group, I thank you very much in advance for making the ECM Meetings Statistics Report 2012 a success and wish you a fantastic year.
Best regards,
Olivier Ponti
Chairman ECM Research & Statistics group