ECM is now collecting meetings statistics!
In 2010 ECM commenced a pilot phase in order to collect a comprehensive list of events taking place in a sample of European Cities. This has demonstrated how with the cooperation of members, it is possible for ECM to produce meaningful conference statistics and indicators.
During presentations explaining the scope and content of the pilot phase in June 2010 in Las Palmas, several ECM members expressed an interest in the project and a willingness to participate.
ECM has now secured a specialist in statistics, Olivier Drouet, who will work for the Association for the next two and a half months to compile a database on meetings statistics for participating ECM members.
As Chairperson of the Knowledge Group Research and Statistics, I kindly ask you to:
1. Make sure that the appropriate person in your office receives the information and provides us with a contact name.
2. Prepare the following information for the years 2009 and 2010
– Name of the city
– Name of the meeting (OPTIONAL – Can be a code)
– Starting date (yyyy-mm-dd)
– Ending date (yyyy-mm-dd)
– Type of Event – Choose between association/non- corporate and corporate
– Number of delegates
– Scope of the event – Choose between national and international
– Type of location where the meeting takes place – Choose between congress or convention centres, hotels, universities and other venues.
3. Put all your data in the standard Excel file uploaded on the discussion forum of the ECM intranet and send it back to no later than April 25.
4. Do not forget to carefully read the definitions in the Excel file (based on UNWTO work) before starting to enter your data. In this way, we will all compile information the same way!
5. Exchange with your colleagues!
– ECM Research Newsletter highlights best practice cases on how to collect meeting data. See best practices starting with Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris and Vienna
– &nb