ECM following members’ needs
An extraordinary Board meeting took place on 23rd and 24th October at Stansted. The meeting’s special agenda was dedicated to the financial crisis and its impact on tourism in European cities. The participants discussed the position of tourist offices and convention bureaus in the changing economic situation and the ways in which European Cities Marketing can help its members.
This fruitful brainstorming session brought ECM a lot of fresh inspiration for its next developments. The Board stressed the fact that nowadays, probably more than ever before, ECM has a crucial role in providing its members with the support of sharing knowledge and experience in tourism and conventions. In order to be able to provide ECM members with the best and most effective help, a brief 5-minute opinion poll is being designed and will be sent to ECM members in a separate e-mail in the next few days. The answers to these questions will allow ECM to obtain an overview of the development of the situation in member cities from a financial and prospective point of view and to share the results with ECM members.