ECM Benchmarking Report – Editorial Board


  • The Editorial Board is in charge of the content of the ‘ECM Benchmarking Report’ as well as further development/improvement of the report and securing its data quality and consistency.

Current actions

  • Production of the ECM Benchmarking Report
  • Improve internal and external promotional activities for the report (press releases, folders, online marketing, potential buyers database, etc.)

How can I contribute?

  • Make sure your city is part of the Benchmarking Report, enter your bednights in TourMIS on a monthly or annual basis:!

What can I get?

  • ECM Benchmarking Report included in your membership fee
  • Access to city tourism benchmark tools
  • Get benchmark calculations and forecast (market volumes, guest mix share) based on latest data

Join the experts:

Clemens Költringer Vienna Chairperson
Thomas Deschamps Paris Vice-Chairperson
Olivier Ponti Amsterdam
Joana Homs Barcelona
Alba Lajusticia Barcelona
 / Berlin
Lone Alletorp Callard Copenhagen
Ossian Stiernstrand Gothenburg
André Moura Lisbon
Klaus Sager Munich
Ralf Zednik Munich
Reto Helbling Zurich


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