ECM Benchmarking Report 2011 to be launched at ECM Annual Conference in Lyon

The Report will include the latest 2010 figures monitoring the performance of European cities in respect of the volume of achieved tourism demand as measured by bednights generated in commercial accommodation units. The report illustrates the main trends in the demand for city tourism between 2005-2010 for 101 European cities. In addition, prospects for 2011 are presented, based on an expert pool of managers drawn from ECM member cities.
The ECM Benchmarking Report, inclusive of more than 100 pages of tables and graphs, will be available in PDF format and is distributed to external parties by ECM Head Office at a cost of €990. ECM members receive their copy free of charge and can also take advantage of a discounted rate of € 590 for members’ partners and ETC members.
Katrin Heintschel
Tourism Research, Vienna Tourist Board
Chairperson ECM Editorial Board