COMMUNITY HEROES SERIES #5 – Meet Pier Paolo Mariotti!
The secret of any strong community?… people! Our ECM community is powered by members and partners working to not only stand stronger together, but also run faster and smarter alongside each other. As part of our series Power of Community, we put focus on our members – our community heroes, who contribute their valuable time, experiences and resources to power the community and through that provide value and inspiration to us all.
We celebrate our community heroes by zooming in on one of the core building blocks of our community – the ECM Summer School. As one of ECM’s flagship events, the Summer School is celebrating its 35th edition this summer. Get to know more about it with Pier Paolo Mariotti, Certified Meeting Manager at Eurac Research in Bolzano and Course Director of the Summer School!
In this video, you will hear about the ECM Online Summer School 2021 that takes place on August 24-26, 2021, what it entails and why we decided to create a special edition this summer tailored to all Meetings Industry professionals! You will also learn about the history of the Summer School, the faculty of experts who lend their knowledge to the students years after years, and much more!