“A New Tomorrow” ECM Covid-19 response

ECM wants to continue to empower the conversation during this unprecedented situation with “A New Tomorrow”. Following input and needs of our members, we have now launched a new series of communication over the coming weeks and months in collaboration with Group NAO, to discuss the future challenges faced by DMOs in the current situation. #WeAreECM!




Beyond the immediate health emergency, urban communities are looking towards a deep and protracted economic downfall and the tourism sector is standing among the frontline industries of that downfall. Moreover, the consequences of a long period of alienation and social distancing will affect our future preferences and behaviour in ways we have yet to understand. As Covid-19 spreads, everything we thought we knew has been turned upside down.  And, while many factors are unknown and uncertain, one thing is for sure: We need to face it together to overcome.


In these times of hardship, the value of strong community and close connections is clearer than ever. Indeed, it is difficult that we cannot meet as we usually do. First, our Spring Meeting in Graz and now, again after careful consideration, we have also decided to postpone the upcoming International Conference and General Assembly in Poznan, due to take place on June 10-13, 2020. Until we can again meet in the beautiful cities of Europe, we are already finding new ways to meet, to share our experiences and seek inspiration and support in each other. Sharing is at the core of ECM, and it is our firm belief that sharing inspiration, insights and experiences will be key to pulling through this crisis – together.


The strategy of ECM is Tomorrow Today and it is our pledge to members to be forward-looking and help prepare today for what will come tomorrow. And while it is difficult, we need to believe, stay positive and work towards a new tomorrow. A tomorrow that will be different from what we came from, and which will require us to rebuild, reshape and reimagine tourism and the responsibilities and role of DMOs anew.


And we want to continue to empower our conversation with all of our members on what A New Tomorrow looks like, combining innovative powers and creative minds, charging it with new perspectives from the outside and exploring what might come. Following input and needs of our members, we have launched a new series of communication over the coming weeks and months in collaboration with Group NAO. The purpose is to share ideas and challenges, find inspiration in new practice and different approaches, and envision together with all of our members a new future of destinations rebuilt, and conventions reimagined to meet new traveller preferences and behaviour, a new tomorrow of DMOs repurposed.

We will share also with our members weekly updates in different bite-sized and long-read formats of inspirational new practices and insights. We are bringing together a panel of “long thinkers” to help us reimagine “A New Tomorrow” with articles and digital conversations. And, we want to engage and empower all of our members to take active part in this conversation. To share and to inspire each other in facing what will be #aNewTomorrow!