14th City Cards Expert Meeting 2025, Gdansk
June 5 - June 6

Join us for the 14th CityDNA City Cards Expert Meeting that will be held in Gdansk on June 5-6, 2025. Registrations will open in Spring 2025.
Our one-and-a-half-day event provides you with a unique opportunity:
- to meet and network with European colleagues managing city cards schemes
- to share knowledge and insights to stay ahead of the latest market trends & anticipate customers’ needs
- and to grow your business in a sustainable way as well as strengthen your professional expertise
- The participants’ city must already be running a city card scheme within a DMO.
- Participants themselves must be directly working on or managing an established city card scheme.
- Lunches on June 5 and 6, and dinner on June 4 and 5, as well as coffee breaks are included.
- Your participation fee does not cover accommodation or transport.
Camille François +33 649 25 03 73 camille@citydna.eu